Membership Advantages

Moms in Real Estate Collab brings together a powerful network of women in Real Estate who share their collective skillsets and unwavering support to help you achieve unparalleled success.

When you become part of the MIRE Collab Tribe, you will become part of the ultimate exclusive membership for like-minded ladies determined to level up their mind and money in real estate! 

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for full membership deets!

Then it's time to join our fierce community of family first boss ladies and get ready to rock and roll! Together, we'll crush your goals and conquer your challenges like the boss babes we are. With me as your mentor and our community as your support system, there's no limit to what you can achieve.

So come join us and let's make magic happen, girl!

 Are you ready to level up your mind & money? 

You don't have to do it alone.

Real talk:

My Promise is to     'power you!

I never would have imagined someone 2,656 miles away would have such an impact on my life.  Randi has educated and empowered me to make some major decisions in my career and I am super grateful for that connection. I couldn't have made those educated decisions without her. She has an abundance mindset, is driven by community and has an amazing blend of qualities that make people feel comfortable and valued. She’s the perfect mix of professional, fun, intelligent and outrageous that empowers others to be themselves and run a business that is lifegiving. She is a mentor but also has become a friend.


Randi is absolutely amazing! She’s got amazing energy and is constantly offering and sharing insight into how she has built her business. In a short amount of time I have already seen the change in my business and feel more confident in what I have to offer on so many different levels in business and my personal life. It’s rare you find someone that is so genuine and cares so much for others and willing to share with such an abundant mindset.


Randi has transformed my life when it comes to money! She showed me that money doesn't define who I am and with her coaching, I've learned to set boundaries that protect my finances while taking care of my family and honoring God. Randi also helped me become a six-figure earner and expand my income streams! She's the real deal, and I'm forever grateful for her passion and unwavering support!



Amber G

Tabitha S

Renee R

Building in brokenness is not a sign of weakness, but a testament to our courage and perseverance

Don't go it alone if you want to achieve big things! Building a tribe is the key to going far and fast. Join forces with like-minded individuals who will support you every step of the way and help you celebrate your victories. 

i can help because i've been there


“Randi has recognized where I am a leader and has provided limitless support and dedication to help me grow my business.”

- Alisha

Value Add 1: SHE leads Mastermind

Value Add 2: Results-Driven Marketing Workshop



Bonus 1: Industry Insider Q&A Panel


Bonus 2: Elite Industry Experts Sessions


These sessions are like having a business bestie in the real estate industry. Led by Randi along with a monthly guest leaders who are experienced agents in the trenches, this unique opportunity allows you to share your expertise, learn from others, and connect with like-minded women committed to success. You'll hone your leadership skills, gain new insights, and strengthen your referral relationships and advocates.

Elevate your marketing skills and drive results with exclusive insights and practical action steps. From social media to email marketing, our training covers everything you need to stay at the forefront of The Real Estate industry. Our focus is not on vanity metrics or pretty content. Our goal is to help you generate more opportunities that translate into real results for your business.

Ready to get up close and personal with industry leaders? Our Industry Insider Q&A panel is where it's at! These experts are in the trenches, not on the benches, and they're ready to spill all their secrets on success strategies and overcoming challenges. And the best part? You can submit YOUR burning questions for personalized value that's tailored to YOU and YOUR business! Think of the powerhouse panels at top-notch conferences - that's what you'll be getting quarterly, baby! 

Our Industry Insider Sessions bring the brightest minds in business to your doorstep. These thought leaders, niche experts and self-made millionaires provide an exclusive opportunity to learn and gain valuable insights. With this level of access and inspiration, you'll have a roadmap to take your business to the next level of success. PROXIMITY TO THESE INDUSTRY EXPERTS ALONE IS WORTH YOUR MEMBERSHIP INVESTMENT.



Lady Leaders


Kristin in ohio

lauren in texas


paige lieuwen in california

Laura in california

Jessie in arizona

Tia in Tennessee

Haleigh in texas

alicia in oklahoma

ashley in florida

Latoyia in virginia

tabitha new mexico

Brittnee in nevada

Vanessa in california

Alisha in  aRIZONA 



Lady Leaders


Kristin in ohio

lauren in texas


paige lieuwen in california

Laura in california

Jessie in arizona

Tia in Tennessee

Haleigh in texas

alicia in oklahoma

ashley in florida

Latoyia in virginia

tabitha new mexico

Brittnee in nevada

Vanessa in california

Crystal in nevada

Jordy in nevada

Brittany in north carolina

is it recorded?
Monthly workshops may be recorded. 
Our masterminds prioritize taking action and showing up, which is why we don't record them. Our community values acceptance, growth, and pushing each other to new levels. We believe active participation is the key to success, and discourage reliance on self-paced tools.  

Is theRE a CONTRACT commitment?
NO. BUT We strongly urge you to commit to at least 90 days to fully experience the quarterly bonuses and monthly membership benefits, and see the incredible ROI that comes with being M'powered by the Collab. 

When & where?
2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month @ 8:30am pst via zoom 
Quarterly bonuses are 1st & 3rd tuesday 3rd month of each quarter

Frequently Asked Questions!


“Welcome to the Collab”

Your Hype Girl, 

sign up